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- Register a fictitious name if you choose to do business under a name other than your own (you will need to search your state’s business entity database to make sure you are choosing a unique name). Search MO database now
. Fictitious name registration form for MO
- Apply for a Federal EIN (employer identification number). This can be done online in minutes and costs nothing but you should have your name picked out and registered first. Here is the IRS page where you apply
- You can pay $100 to have me do all of the paperwork for you (plus any additional application fees which, at this time, is only a minimal fee for the fictitious name, depending on your state – see link below for MO fees).
- Register a fictitious name (you will need to search your state’s business entity database to make sure you are choosing a unique name). Search MO database now
. Fictitious name registration form for MO
- Apply for a Federal EIN (employer identification number). This can be done online in minutes and costs nothing but you should have your name picked out and registered first. Here is the IRS page where you apply
- You can pay $250 to have me do all of the paperwork for you (plus any additional application fees which, at this time, is only a minimal fee for the fictitious name, depending on your state – see link below for MO fees).
C- or S-Corporation
- Create Articles of Incorporation in your state and receive a charter. Form for MO corporation
- Apply for a Federal EIN (employer identification number). This can be done online in minutes and costs nothing but you should have your name picked out and registered first. Here is the IRS page where you apply
- If you want to elect to be an S-Corporation, you will need to file Form 2553
with the IRS once you are set up.
- You can pay $300 to have me do all of the paperwork for you (plus any additional application fees which, at this time, include the fictitious name registration and the state charter – see link below for MO fees).
- Register a fictitious name (you will need to search your state’s business entity database to make sure you are choosing a unique name). Search MO database now
. Fictitious name registration form for MO
- Create Articles of Incorporation in your state and receive a charter. Form for MO LLCs
- Apply for a Federal EIN (employer identification number). This can be done online in minutes and costs nothing but you should have your name picked out and registered first. Here is the IRS page where you apply
- You can pay $250 to have me do all of the paperwork for you (plus any additional application fees which, at this time, include the fictitious name registration and the state charter – see link below for MO fees).