Welcome to the website of April’s Tax Service, Inc. in Saint Charles, MO. The company is owned and operated by April Mertens. Services include tax preparation, bookkeeping, payroll services, and more. Everything you need to know can be found on the website from information, to checklists, to pricing. Please browse.
Truckers Only!
Are you an owner/operator looking to simplify your record keeping and taxes? Click on the truck to find out more! |
File Upload
Upload your file securely here. If you don’t yet have an account for file uploads, use the Guest Exchange until your permanent portal is created. Click on the picture, File Uploads on the right, or go to “My Taxes” at the top to find a link. |
What’s New!
Check out the latest changes and updates to my products and services. Click the light bulb or use the link on the right any time. |
File Your Taxes Online!
You can file your own taxes online through me for less than it costs to purchase tax preparation software and pay for e-file. You can view info on my pricing page. Click on the blue banner or use the link on the right any time. |
Check the status of your Refund
You can check the status of your refunds for Federal and states on my refund status page. Click on the picture to the left or use the link on the right any time. |
Tax Resource Center
Visit my Tax Resource Center for tax calculators, FAQ’s, downloads, important dates and information, etc. Click on the books or use the link at the top of the page. |
Are you ready to have your taxes prepared?
Read about my Tax Preparation services and download valuable checklists to help you get ready! Click on the calculator or visit the various pages available from the “Tax Preparation” menu at the top. You can also go straight to checklists on the right side of your screen at any time. |
Tax Law Changes and Other News
Visit my Blog to read about Tax News and/or Tax Law Changes. Click the newspaper to the left or click on “April’s Blog” in the top menu. |
Other Services
Did you know that April’s Tax Service, Inc. offers several other financial services to help meet your personal and business needs? Please take a moment to read more about my Other Services. Click on the shirt to the left or visit the links available from the top menu. |