This wonderful product is provided to you automatically as I prepare your tax return.
What is it? It is the most comprehensive audit assistance available anywhere (for three years from the preparation of the return).
What do they offer?
- They pay up to $2,500 in penalties, interest AND tax liability in the event of a legitimate preparer error.
- They assist with denied EIC claims.
- They assist with federal returns including Schedules A, C, and E.
- They offer debt relief assistance.
- They help with ITIN W-7 rejections.
- Also included is one year of IRS Identity Theft Restoration services for every person listed on the tax return!
You may decide that you can continue to handle your taxes on your own. In which case, I would recommend filing online through my site for less than the cost of most current products.
Online Filing (Go now!
There is a flat fee structure for all returns:
- Preparation price is $25 for all returns.
- The price includes state return preparation (no separate charge per state).
- Extensions are free!